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Q. What is a Missional Community?

A. It's a group of about 10-18 people from JRoad, that will be getting to know each other, study God's word together, serving together, and live out community described in Acts 4:32-37.


Q. Why should I join a M/C?

A. Spiritual Growth happens best in community with other believers. We value missional communities, where you can develop your faith, build relationships, pray for one another, hold one another accountable, and serve together. 

Q.  What’s the benefit of doing sign ups this way?

Answer below...

  1. We can see what days are popular and leaders can choose a day based on the needs of the church. 

  2. We can recruit more leaders if the need is greater than expected.

  3. We can see the need of childcare and possibly add additional childcare groups.

  4. We can prayerfully place people in groups with people we feel will be a good fit. Meaning people you can relate to and grow spiritually with. 

Q. What if you put me in a group that is far away?

A. We ask what school district you live in, so we will try to group you close to that area. We will contact you if we can’t put you close to home.


Q. Are M/C's going to be based on age?

A. No, we will use your age to make sure you are with some folks your age, but groups will be mixed ages.


Q. Who will be forming the M/C's?

A. The M/C leaders will form the M/C's based on age, location, and availability.


Q. How long do groups last?

A. October thru early May. Groups also take time off around the holidays.

Q. What if I have special request, such as pet allergies, I wanted to be partnered with someone i'm intentionally discipling?

A. You can contact Jim or Nancy and we will try out best to accommodate. 


Q. What are M/Cs' studying this year?

A. October thru December all the M/C's will be studying the sermon from the previous Sunday.  The months January thru April each M/C's will pick their own topic.


Q. Why don't any MC's offer childcare?

A. We feel the groups would have more quality discussion and participation if the participants children weren't in the other room trying to tear the house apart.  Also many houses aren't equipped to handle 12 adults and have a separate space for 10+ children to be watched. So we are asking participants to find their own means for childcare on MC nights, which in most cases is 2 times a month.


Q. Where do M/C's meet?

A. Most groups meet in the leaders home. Some groups might meet at church.


Q. How will I find out what M/C i'm in?

A. Once we form the M/C your leader will contact you and welcome you to the group.

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